Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Rebecca Taylor on Writing and ASCENDANT- Her Debut Novel

My first interview is with Rebecca Taylor- a debut YA author.  Rebecca Taylor lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband and two children. When she's not reading, writing, or procrastinating on the Internet, she works as a school psychologist. She happens to love all things mystical and metaphysical. As for writing, Ascendant (Crescent Moon Press, June 2013) is her first YA novel. She is represented by Emma Patterson with Brandt and Hochman Literary. 

     When did you decide to become a writer?

Never? What I mean by that is that I never made a conscious decision to become a writer exactly. In high school and college I wrote things down, little things, blurby things really, but I always threw them away because I hated them. Eventually I started to give myself a break and started hating what I wrote less and less—one day I even liked it! I remember a layover I had in Japan when I was working as a flight attendant; in my hotel room overlooking a dense cluster of trees, I sat in the windowsill and wrote a short piece on the hotel stationary. That was the first piece of writing I allowed to exist—I still have it somewhere. That was probably in 2001. I started writing my first book in 2002 and eventually self published that in 2008. It wasn’t until 2009 that I sat down and made a serious plan to write with the intent of becoming published. I finished ASCENDANT in 2010, and signed with my agent Emma Patterson later that year. It may sound weird but it was all very focused and intentional.

       Which writers inspire you?

Many writers and for many different reasons. However, if we’re talking purely the aspect of pursuing the writer’s life, then my answer is Maggie Stiefvater. I enjoy her books a great deal, but she also has a wealth of teaching to offer up on her blog that chronicles her journey of becoming Maggie Stiefvater--Author. I would recommend browsing through her archives to anyone looking to shift their existence into becoming a published author.

       So, tell us about your new book, ASCENDANT- what type of audience will connect to it?

Everyone, of course. I’m kidding—unless of course everyone WILL read it and love it? No? Okay, then probably those who have enjoyed young adult novels in the past where the romance is not the central point of the plot but is certainly still there. It’s a mystery that will keep you guessing till the end and is primarily about the beginning of Charlotte’s journey to become the person she’s meant to be. She is learning about her family and their connections with groups that practice Alchemy and the power that comes with that knowledge.

     Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?

 Charlotte is just an ordinary girl. She loves to read, she is very smart, but she doesn’t believe in herself—yet.

       What are you working on at the minute?

 Currently I’m working on revisions for the second book in this series, MIDHEAVEN, and I’ve almost finished the first draft for a stand alone novel currently titled DAY OF THE DEAD. It is about a girl who moves to Oaxaca, Mexico for a study abroad program during her junior year of high school. While there, she sees her two-year-old baby brother while participating in the Day of the Dead celebrations—he’s been dead for thirteen years.

      What advice would you give to your younger self?

1. You are worth it.

2. Anything that you want to do well takes practice—and this is true for everyone.

3. You are way smarter than you give yourself credit for.

4. People that hurt you do not deserve you.

5. Verbal and emotional abuse is still abuse.

6. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up—especially on yourself. 

When I was twelve, my mother disappeared. I was the first person to never find her.

I’m sixteen now and she has never been found, alive or dead.

I’m not the girl I should have been.

When Charlotte Stevens, bright but failing, is sent to stay at her mother’s childhood home in Somerset England her life is changed forever. While exploring the lavish family manor, Gaersum Aern, Charlotte discovers a stone puzzle box that contains a pentagram necklace and a note from her mother—clues to her family’s strange past and her mother’s disappearance. Charlotte must try to solve the puzzle box, decipher her mother’s old journals, and figure out who is working to derail her efforts—and why. The family manor contains many secrets and hidden histories, keys to the elegant mystery Charlotte called mom and hopefully, a trail to finding her.

If readers and fans want to find you, what are your social media addresses?  Don't forget Goodreads.

Twitter: @RebeccaTaylorYA

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